Friday, June 14, 2013

Nora's Readoption

Today was Nora's readoption.  Readoption is a process in which the court in your county reviews the details of the adoption done in the child's birth country.  The judge then issues a new adoption decree which is independent from the foreign decree.  The new decree essentially states that your child has been adopted in agreement with the laws of your state, Wisconsin in our case. 

Some states require this and in some it is "nice to have".  One of the most important pieces of this is that Nora will essentially get a US birth certificate which will make getting her US passport, driver’s license, marriage license, etc. easier in the future. 
The readoption process required more paperwork (no surprise there) and then a court appointment with a Judge.  We all went to our county's courthouse, and I’m positive that we were a spectacle walking in.  The whole “proceeding” with the Judge was very quick but very formal.  The boys really liked when the Bailiff had us all rise for the Judge (and she kindly thanked the children for standing for her). 
Our social worker told us that a readoption case will likely be one of the most enjoyable for the Judge in comparison to what they normally preside over.  This definitely proved to be our experience, the Judge was so kind. After we finished the “proceeding” she asked if the kids wanted to come on up behind the bench.  She even got out a gavel.  It was all quite entertaining. 
I was sure to warn the boys that this better be their only time inside a courtroom ... all while shaking my finger at them.  It turns out that the Judge, the Bailiff and the Case Recorders caught that and were amused.  It was a fun ending to an important day for Nora.


Melanie said...

Congratulations on completing Nora's readoption! So glad it was a good and memorable experience. I have yet to begin that daunting task!

Nikki said...

Congratulations with a whole lotta love and thankfulness! xoxo

Leggio said...

Yeah!!!!! We should have Mia's done by the end of the month or the beginning of July. :)