Friday, August 9, 2013

Parenting a Near Teen ... is Hard Work

Here is it, August already ... time to start thinking about the quickly approaching start to a new school year.  And, with that, I cannot help but look at Jack and wonder how he has moved from my little boy to a young man, seemingly overnight.  Jack will be going into 6th grade, and I cannot help but wonder if this will be the school year that he grows to look me in the eye - he is approaching fast.  I love this guy, he is clever, passionate, tough and yet sensitive.
And, here's the but ... but, man-o-man, parenting is hard work (I know that no one will argue with that), and each stage brings a new challenge.  This stage comes with great sweetness and also random sass, sometimes both within the same exchange and some days more sass than sweetness.  I know that the hormones are partially to blame, and a strong-willed character trait contributes.  I am learning every day how to be a mom to a near teen, some days I'm better at meeting this challenges than others. 

I just began reading Sparkly Green Earrings by Melanie Shankle, in it she talks about being pregnant with her daughter and remodeling her house, including a shabby tile job by a contractor who oddly had never tiled before.  She states the following about entering parenthood:

"We were going to walk this road, hoping for the advice of friends and parents and well-meaning old ladies at the grocery store to get us through, but most of all, knowing we were completely dependent on God to give us wisdom about how to lay all the tiles of childhood as straight as we could to smooth in the grout with the hope of covering our own imperfections and making them work with the overall design and personality of our child."

So thankful for the opportunity to parent the kiddos we have been blessed with, including this young man. 

Baseball is done for the summer ... football is just beginning ... braces have been placed ... where, oh where, has my baby gone?  Seeking wisdom always ...

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