Or, in other words, one year! This little lady turns one today.
What a joy Lydia is. We love watching her explore and learn new things every day. She is walking all over the place and is quite proud of herself. She loves to be clapped at, and she loves to entertain us with the silly faces she makes. She is turning into quite the picky eater - what child does not like noodles? She loves to hug her dolly and to zoom the boys' cars around as well. She adores her big brothers (most of the time), and boy, can they make her giggle.
What a blessing Lydia is. In reflecting back, one year ago today, it is with such an overwhelmed heart that I remember seeing Lydia for the first time and realizing that we had a girl.
It was such an amazing moment, and we are grateful and thankful that God would choose us to bring up these boys and this sweet girl.
"The LORD your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with his love, He will rejoice over you with singing." Zephaniah 3:17